Airbnb Experiences Events Program


Strategist & Program Manager

In 2018 and 2019, I was the program manager and event producer for Airbnb Experiences events. While we produced 100 events per year, our main focus was on major summits. We aimed to increase host-to-host connection, increase sense of support felt by Airbnb, and increase host success before high season.

This was done by developing a strategy that supported our goals and budget. As a program manager, I managed the budget, playbooks, communication strategy, event management software, and measured performance.

As a result, attendees were 40% more likely to increase supply and 10% less likely to churn. 92% said they were very likely or likely to attend another event. We noted a 50% increase in ‘Community Index’ and 97% of hosts said they felt supported or very supported by Airbnb.


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